Cvar Restrictions

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The sv_cvar setting is for the etpro cvar range enforcement mechanism. Its similar to PunkBuster's cvar range checking in that it uses nearly the same syntax. However it is different in that instead of simply warning the user that their cvars are out of range, it actually forces them to server-enforced values. This is used as it is better than having players scrambling to type in the console trying to get their cvars into compliance before they get kicked by PunkBuster.


  • sv_cvar cvarname EQ value
  • sv_cvar cvarname GE value
  • sv_cvar cvarname LE value
  • sv_cvar cvarname WITHBITS bitflag
  • sv_cvar cvarname WITHOUTBITS bitflag
  • sv_cvar cvarname IN low_value high_value
  • sv_cvar cvarname OUT low_value high_value
  • sv_cvar cvarname INCLUDE substring default
  • sv_cvar cvarname EXCLUDE substring default


EQ requires one argument EQ is used when a cvar is supposed to EQual a certain value.


GE requires one argument GE is used when a cvar is supposed to be Greater or Equal a certain value.


LE requires one argument LE is used when a cvar is supposed to be Lower or Equal a certain value.


WITHBITS requires one argument WITHBITS is used when a bitmask-cvar is supposed to include a certain bitflag Exclamation For further information regarding bitmask-cvars look here


WITHOUTBITS requires one argument WITHOUTBITS is used when a bitmask-cvar is supposed to not include a certain bitflag Exclamation For further information regarding bitmask-cvars look here


IN requires two arguments With the IN enforcement, cvars that are non compliant are snapped to the nearest IN parameter. Example: sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120 A player who had a cg_fov of 40 would see it snapped to 90. A player who had a cg_fov of 130 would see it snapped to 120. Exclamation 1st Argument = lower limit Exclamation 2nd Argument = upper limit


OUT requires two arguments With the OUT enforcement, cvars that are non compliant are snapped to the nearest OUT parameter. Example: sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015 A player who had a m_pitch of -0.010 would see it snapped to -0.015. A player who had an m_pitch of 0.04 would see it snapped to 0.015. A player who had an m_pitch of 0.00 (a value equidistant from both lower and upper bounds) would be snapped to the lower bound -0.015. Exclamation 1st Argument = lower limit Exclamation 2nd Argument = upper limit


INCLUDE requires two arguments INCLUDE is used when a cvar is supposed to include a certain substring. Otherwise it will set the cvar to default.


EXCLUDE requires two arguments EXCLUDE is used when a cvar is supposed to not include a certain substring. Otherwise it will set the cvar to default.

Exclamation If a cvar is changed that needs a vid_restart, etpro will force a vid_restart on the client after snapping them into range.