ETTVd:Known Bugs

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recmode 'connect' bug

Some commands are sent in the wrong order which may break recordmode connect on some systems - if you want to use it, spawn the recorder with recordmode ready and then edit it to make it "connect" OR apply the following patch on the includes/ettvd.class.php:
replace line 62-70:

  function broadcast($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $gamename, $autodisconnect, $recmode, $readynum = 4, $slaveslots = 0, $replayerid = false) {
     $rec = $this->connect($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $slaveslots);
     $this->gamename($rec, $gamename);
     $this->recmode($rec, $recmode);
     if($recmode == 'ready' && $readynum != 4) $this->readynum($rec, $readynum);
     if(!$autodisconnect) $this->autodisconnect($rec, 0);
     if($replayerid) $this->livecast($rec, $replayerid);
     return $rec;


  function broadcast($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $gamename, $autodisconnect, $recmode, $readynum = 4, $slaveslots = 0, $replayerid = false) {
     $rec = $this->connect($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $slaveslots);
     $this->gamename($rec, $gamename);
     if($replayerid) $this->livecast($rec, $replayerid);
     $this->recmode($rec, $recmode);
     if($recmode == 'ready' && $readynum != 4) $this->readynum($rec, $readynum);
     if(!$autodisconnect) $this->autodisconnect($rec, 0);
     return $rec;

ETTVd Daemon

All versions

Not getting all symlinks right on first start - just restart it ^^