ETTVd:Known Bugs

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Revision as of 13:59, 20 February 2007 by Skooli (Talk | contribs) (Webinterface)

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recmode 'connect' bug

Some commands are sent in the wrong order which may break recordmode connect on some systems - if you want to use it, spawn the recorder with recordmode ready and then edit it to make it "connect" OR apply the following patch on the includes/ettvd.class.php:
replace line 62-70:

  function broadcast($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $gamename, $autodisconnect, $recmode, $readynum = 4, $slaveslots = 0, $replayerid = false) {
     $rec = $this->connect($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $slaveslots);
     $this->gamename($rec, $gamename);
     $this->recmode($rec, $recmode);
     if($recmode == 'ready' && $readynum != 4) $this->readynum($rec, $readynum);
     if(!$autodisconnect) $this->autodisconnect($rec, 0);
     if($replayerid) $this->livecast($rec, $replayerid);
     return $rec;


  function broadcast($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $gamename, $autodisconnect, $recmode, $readynum = 4, $slaveslots = 0, $replayerid = false) {
     $rec = $this->connect($ip, $pass, $ettvpass, $slaveslots);
     $this->gamename($rec, $gamename);
     if($replayerid) $this->livecast($rec, $replayerid);
     $this->recmode($rec, $recmode);
     if($recmode == 'ready' && $readynum != 4) $this->readynum($rec, $readynum);
     if(!$autodisconnect) $this->autodisconnect($rec, 0);
     return $rec;

masterlist permission bug

On some systems the webinterface might print the message that there are missing permissions for the masterlist file even though it has chmod 777. To fix it just delete the file includes/masterlist and set the chmod of the includes/ dir to 777. The file will be created then.

ETTVd Daemon

All versions

Not getting all symlinks right on first start - just restart it ^^