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:Deletes the target_location that u are currently "in"
:Deletes the target_location that you are currently "in"

Revision as of 21:32, 7 November 2005

For Maps In Production

A target_location is a non-brush entity that allows a mapper to specify the name of a certain area to be displayed instead of map coordinates in both the fireteam box and the location displayed when you chat, unless it is set to use coordinates on the client side.

Note that using these will throw an error into the console for every one you have if use in etmain, or as of now, shrub and etpub. The map will still run, though. To use them, first make a file called et_entities_location.def in the scripts directory of your mapping install. Then, open the file in notepad and paste the following in the file, and then save.

Target_location entity

/*QUAKED target_location (0 0.5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Set "message" to the name of this location.

The message can contain colorcodes, default color is ^3(yellow)

Closest target_location in sight used for the location, if none
in site, closest in distance, within PVS

This will allow you to place a target_location into your map inside of GTK Radiant. It will appear as a small green box. When selected, give it a key called message with a value that is the name you want at that location. You only need to place target_locations so you can always see one, any more are a waste of resources.

For Completed Maps

Note: This method is less efficient engine-wise than using actual target_locations.

target_location on exisitng maps are saved into a file (maps/$MAPNAME_loc_override.dat). this way they are seperated from the map and its .pk3

When adding target_locations ro a map u will have acces to the following commands:


loc_add <message>

Add a new target_location at your current position whit name <message>


Deletes the target_location that you are currently "in"


Moves the target_location that u are currently "in" to your current position

Loc_rename <message>

Renames the target_location that u are currently "in" to <message>


Shows the target_location that u are currently "in" as text in console


Saves all target_locations to a file (maps/$MAPNAME_loc_override.dat)


Reloads all target_locations from a file (maps/$MAPNAME_loc_override.dat)

Viewing locations

While adding locations to your map you are willing to see your progress. This can be done using a cvar.

b_debuglocations - Bitmask to enable debugging/design aids for location names.  Works with external .dats as well as target_location ents.
add the following together:
1  - Draw a bubble sprite at each location marker. The nearest location is drawn in green, with all the others being drawn in red.
2  - Add a dynamic light at each location marker. The nearest location is lit in red, with all the others being lit in green.
4  - Draw floating text at each location marker containing the location's name.  The nearest location is colored green instead of white.
8  - Send updates to other players when a location is added, deleted, or renamed.  This function is designed to allow several people to work on adding locations to a level simultaneously.
16 - Accept updates to locations from other players who are using b_debuglocations 8.
default: 0		valid values: 0-31

NOTE: while using b_debuglocations make sure you use loc_save a lot, this is becase of engine limits the client can crash while drawing to many sprites