From WolfWiki
et.trap_SendServerCommand() has the following commands:
- "print \"Message\n\""
- print will print the Message in the clients console.
Center Print MoO
- "cpm \"Message\n\""
- cpm will print the Message in the clients anoucement area and console
Center Print
- "cp \"Message\n\""
- cp will print the Message in the center of the clients screen.
Scores Print
- "sc \"Message\n\""
- sc will print the Message in the clients console and write to the statsdump file.
- "c ClienNum \"Message\""
- c will print a global chat message Message on behalf of client ClienNum.
Team Chat
- "tc ClienNum \"Message\" X-Location Y-Location Z-Location"
- tc will print a team chat message Message on behalf of client ClienNum,
- the X,Y,Z-Location's are optional parematers the represent the clients location,
- if the X,Y,Z-Location's are left out then the message will be printed whitout an location.
Fireteam Chat
- "bc ClienNum \"Message\" X-Location Y-Location Z-Location".
- bc will print a fireteam chat message Message on behalf of client ClienNum,
- the X,Y,Z-Location's parematers the represent the clients location.
Voice Chat
Global Voice Chat
- "vchat 0 ClientNum 50 Vsay-String Vsay-Number \"Custom-Message\"".
- vchat will global voice chat Vsay-String on behalf of client ClienNum.
- Vsay-Number is normaly random but i can be stable using /vsay <Vsay-Number> <Vsay-String>,
Vsay-Number represend the vsay nummer of Vsay inside the .voice files. - Custom-Message is normaly \"\" (empty) else its the chat message that will be drawn .
Team Voice Chat
- "vtchat 0 ClientNum 50 Vsay-String Vsay-Number Y-Location Z-Location \"Custom-Message\""
- vchat will team voice chat Vsay-String on behalf of client ClienNum.
- Vsay-Number is normaly random but i can be stable using /vsay <Vsay-Number> <Vsay-String>,
Vsay-Number represend the vsay nummer of Vsay inside the .voice files. - the X,Y,Z-Location's parematers the represent the clients location.
- Custom-Message is normaly \"\" (empty) else its the chat message that will be drawn.
Fireteam Voice Chat
- "vtchat 0 ClientNum 50 Fireteam-String Vsay-Number Y-Location Z-Location \"Custom-Message\""
- vchat will team voice chat Vsay-String on behalf of client ClienNum.
- Vsay-Number is normaly random but i can be stable using /vsay <Vsay-Number> <Fireteam-Vsay-String>,
Vsay-Number represend the vsay nummer of Vsay inside the .voice files. - the X,Y,Z-Location's parematers the represent the clients location.
- Custom-Message is normaly \"\" (empty) else its the chat message that will be drawn.
- "application Number"
- application will show up the fireteam invation message's
- if Number > -1 the "accept .. application to join your fireteam" shows up in this case Number is the ClientNum of applying client.
- if Number == -1 the "your aplication has been submitted" shows up.
- if Number == -2 the "your aplication fialed" shows up.
- if Number == -3 the "your aplication has been approved" shows up.
- if Number == -4 the "your aplication reply has been send" shows up.
- "proposition Number Number2"
- proposition will show up the fireteam proposition message's.
- if Number > -1 the "accept .. proposition to invite .. to your fireteam" shows up, in this case Number is the ClientNum of proposed client and, Number2 is the ClientNum of proposing.
- if Number == -1 the "your proposition has been submitted" shows up.
- if Number == -2 the "your proposition was rejected" shows up.
- if Number == -3 the "your proposition was accepted" shows up.
- if Number == -4 the "your proposition reply has been send" shows up.
Number2 is an optional paramater only used when Number > -1.
- "invitation Number"
- invitation will show up the fireteam invation message's.
- if Number > -1 the "accept .. invitation to join your fireteam" shows up in this case Number is the ClientNum of applying client.
- if Number == -1 the "your invitation has been submitted" shows up.
- if Number == -2 the "your invitation rejected" shows up.
- if Number == -3 the "your invitation was accepted" shows up.
- if Number == -4 the "your invitation reply has been send" shows up.
- "complaint Number"
- complaint will make the complain vote showup.
- if Number == 1 the vote will show up.
- if Number == -1 the complain filled message shows up.
- if Number == -2 the complain dismissed message shows up.
- "setspawnpt number"
- "setspawnpt sets the client game selected spawnpoint to number number.