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Lua: IPC - Communication between Scripts
If you have several scripts, which access the same data, you can have one script, which manages this data and one or more scripts reading (or writing) this data.
For communication between these scripts, use the et.IPCSend() and et_IPCReceive( ) functions. You cannot receive some data and send it back in the same (server) frame. These example scripts illustrate how to pass requests and the answers back and forth.
The ipcdemo-admin.lua script must be loaded first (i.e. earlier in the lua_modules cvar, else the ipcdemo-cmd.lua cannot find it.
-- ipcdemo-admin.lua local IPCQueue = {} local AdminGUIDs = { -- name, guid, level { "Vetinari", "ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890", 5 }, { "Havelock", "1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF", 3 } } function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname("ipcdemo-admin.lua") end function et_IPCReceive(vm, msg) local level local junk1, junk2, id = string.find(msg, "IsAdmin:%s+(%d+)") if id ~= nil then id = tonumber(id) guid = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(id), "cl_guid") level = table.foreach(AdminGUIDs, function(i, admin) if admin[2] == guid then return(admin[3]) end end ) if level == nil then level = 0 end table.insert(IPCQueue, { vm, level, id }) end end function et_RunFrame(lvltime) table.foreach(IPCQueue, function(i, queue) local ok = et.IPCSend(queue[1], string.format("IsAdmin: %d %d", queue[2], queue[3])) if ok ~= 1 then local mod, cksum = et.FindMod(queue[1]) et.G_Print(string.format("ipcdemo-admin: IPCSend to %s (vm: %d) failed", mod, queue[1])) end end ) IPCQueue = {} end
-- ipcdemo-cmd.lua local admin_vm = -1 local CommandQueue = {} function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) local mod = "" local sig = "" local i = 1 while mod ~= nil do mod, sig = et.FindMod(i) if string.find(mod, "^ipcdemo-admin.lua") == 1 then admin_vm = i mod = nil end i = i + 1 end if admin_vm == -1 then et.G_Print("ipcdemo-cmd.lua: Could not find vm number for ipcdemo-admin.lua") end et.RegisterModname("ipcdemo-cmd.lua") end function et_IPCReceive(vm, msg) if vm == admin_vm then local junk1,junk2,level,id = string.find(msg, "IsAdmin:%s+(%d+)%s+(%d)") if level ~= nil and id ~= nil then runAction(tonumber(id), tonumber(level)) end end end function runAction(id, level) local done = table.foreach(CommandQueue, function(i, queue) if id == queue[1] then if queue[2] <= level then if queue[4] == nil then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_INSERT, queue[3]) else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_INSERT, string.format("%s %s", queue[3], queue[4])) end end return(i) end end ) if done ~= nil then table.remove(CommandQueue, done) end end function et_ClientCommand(id, command) local arg0 = et.trap_Argv(0) local arg1 = et.trap_Argv(1) if arg0 == "say" then if arg1 == "!axis" then -- id, lvl, cmd, argument queueCommand(id, 4, "forceteam r", id) elseif arg1 == "!allies" then queueCommand(id, 4, "forceteam b", id) elseif arg1 == "!shuffle" then queueCommand(id, 3, "shuffleteamsxp_norestart", nil) end end return(0) end function queueCommand(id, level, cmd, argument) if admin_vm ~= -1 then local ok = et.IPCSend(admin_vm, string.format("IsAdmin: %d", id)) if ok ~= 1 then et.G_Print("ipcdemo-cmd: IPCSend to ipcdemo-admin failed") else table.insert(CommandQueue, { id, level, cmd, argument }) end end end