ETTV:Server Configuration
Installation - "Master" (gameserver)
Copy ettv.x86 to the same directory your etded.x86 is located. Start your gameserver as normal, but run ettv.x86 instead of etded.x86.
Set some cvars
ettv_sv_maxslaves (default 0, no slave connections allowed)
- Number of ettv slaves allowed to connect.
- Note: Slave slots are always reserved, like private slots.
ettv_password (default "", no slave connections allowed)
- Password for ettv slaves.
- Must be set, or no slaves will be able to connect!
b_ettv_flags (default 1)
- 1 = prevent slaves from being callvote kicked
- 2 = grant shoutcaster status to slaves
- values can be added together, eg 3 for both features.
Playing on the master
Players may now connect to your gameserver as normal.
Installation - "Slave" (broadcast server)
Copy ettv.x86 to the same directory your etded.x86 is located. Copy to the same directory as your etpro/ is located.
Set some cvars
- Number of spectator clients to allow. This number is only limited by available cpu and memory.
- Some guidelines when provisioning a broadcast server:
- 100 spectator slots will require ~ 128mb ram. Use com_hunkmegs to set this.
- 100 spectator slots will require ~ 768kbyte/sec (6mbits), roughly 6kbyte/sec per client
- 100 spectator slots will take ~ 80% cpu of a Xeon 2.2ghz
- Each slave will require ~20-40kbyte/sec from the master.
ettv_clientname (default "ETTV")
- Playername the slave will use when connecting to the master, eg "ETTV-xyz"
ettv_delay (default 0, disabled)
- number of seconds for slave to delay the master feed. Recording/playback chains should no longer be needed, and slaves should always maintain an exact delay from the master server.
- note: this should ONLY be set on the slave.
- note: only supported in ettv beta8 and later
Chat passwords
In order to curb the rampant abuse of ettv chat, admins may set "chat passwords" on their servers. If enabled, viewers are not allowed to chat unless they have a password. You can define as many passwords as you like, so you can easily track down individual abusers and limit the damage of stolen passwords.
ettv_chatpasswords (default 0, disabled)
- number of chat passwords defined.
- individual chat passwords.
viewers use /chatpassword <password> to login.
if logged in, ettv chats will be tagged with a number in parentheses identifying which chat password the viewer is using.
Misc commands for viewers
- For ettv beta 4 and above
- spectators may /ignore and /unignore other spectators
- semiadmin functionality now works for slaves
- rcon may now mute/unmute specs
Connect the slave
Now start your slave server by running ettv.x86
Tell the slave server to connect up to the master server:
- tv connect master.ip.address:port ettv_password(required) g_password(if the master has a g_password set)
If you have configured everything correctly, the slave should connect to the master. Clients should now be able to connect to the slave and spectate the game in progress.
This is a "live broadcast" with no delay.
Disconnect the slave
To tell the slave to disconnect from the master:
- tv disconnect
Slave Chaining
- something cool goes here
ETTV Demos
You may record the match in progress to a file, with the command:
- record <demo name>
If you omit the demo name, ettv will start recording using a filename of demoXXXX where XXXX is the first available number starting from 0000.
Demos will stop recording when a map changes.
To stop recording a demo:
- stoprecord
To play back a recorded demo:
- demo <demo name>
To check the status of an ettv slave:
- tv status
This will tell you if the slave is connected to a master, or if it is currently playing back a demo.
To fastforward a demo:
- ff <seconds>
Eg ff 30 will fast foward 30 seconds. Fast forward stops at map restarts, so you can safely ff 999 to fast forward through a warmup.
- note: requires ettv beta 7 or later
Autorecording demos
ettv is able to automatically continuously record demos, creating new demofiles when the map changes. To do this, set the cvar ettv_autorecord to 1. ettv will start recording demos with the name demoXXXX where XXXX is a number starting at 0000 and incrementing on each map change.
Server admins may find it useful to use the demo recording feature of ettv to record matches, instead of requiring individual players to record them. An ettv demo records everything that happens on a server, including all player viewpoints.
How to create demo based delayed feeds
Autorecording demos is the first half of the process for delayed feeds. Typically you would run a passworded slave server with the smallest number of sv_maxclients possible. No spectators should connect to this server. The only purpose of this slave is to connect up to the master and record the match to sequentially numbered demofiles.
Now start up a slave, and tell it to broadcast the demo being recorded.
- demo demo0000
If you wait approx. 60 seconds after the master begins recording before issuing this command to your slaves, then you have a 60 second delay on your broadcast.
If you want slaves to automatically switch to the next demo when the end of the demo is reached (eg on a map change), you would set the cvar ettv_autoplay to 1. If a slave is playing demo0000 and it reaches the end, it will then try to play demo0001 and so on.
Disadvantage of this method: It is not automated in ettv itself, though admins can script it. Advantage of this method: You may run multiple broadcast servers from the same single demo stream.
Automated delayed feeds are supported in ettv beta 8. See the above.
- The slave server must be running the same fs_game setting as the master server.
- The slave server must have a copy of every map pk3 the master server is using.
- If the master server loads a map the slave server doesn't have, the slave will get stuck.
- Spectators will be forced to download any custom pk3 you are using.
- It is a good idea to keep the master server pk3 list to a minimum.
- If you are using the autorecord/autoplay feature for running delayed feeds, you will usually want to make sure you clear out the demos directory first. Autorecording will start numbering demofiles using the first available number, so if you have old recorded demos then ettv might start recording from eg demo0017. If your scripts expect to start playback from demo0000 then you might end up broadcasting a game recorded at some earlier date...
Slaves may send chats to the master with the command msay Slaves may list players on the master with the command players
Performance tuning
Spectator servers with large numbers of clients (eg >100) will push the OS very hard with huge amounts of UDP traffic. The default OS buffer settings for Linux are inadequate and can hurt performance, causing lag and/or disconnects.
If you get messages like
- NET_SendPacket ERROR: No buffer space available to
Then you definitely need to increase your kernel network buffers.
Large spectator servers should increase the kernel buffers.
The following commands should be issued as root on linux:
- echo "524288" > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
- echo "524288" > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max
FreeBSD can try this:
- sysctl -w net.inet.udp.recvspace=65535
- sysctl -w net.inet.udp.maxdgram=57344
- sysctl -w kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=8388608
Network tuning cvars
- The following are only available in ettv beta 7 and later.
By default, et uses small packets of 1400 bytes or less to send to clients. If messages need to be larger, they are 'fragmented' and sent over several server frames. ettv slave messages tend to be large and often fragment. ettv normally tries to send slaves all fragments at once to avoid jittery playback, but some networks / OSes handle this badly. ettv beta 7 introduces new controls so admins can optimize ettv for their individual network.
ettv_netblast (default 1)
- by default, ettv tries to send all fragments at once. some networks may handle this badly. setting this to 0 disables. warning: setting this to 0 without increasing ettv_mtu will result in severely laggy slave playback.
ettv_mtu (default 1400)
- master only
- if your network / os supports it, you can set this to large values (eg 16000) to prevent message fragmentation and provide smoother ettv links. this cvar has no effect on normal ET clients. note: ettv_mtu must currently be set from commandline, it cannot be changed on the fly (yet).
ettv_tv_iptos (default 0)
- you can set the ip type of service field of ettv link packets. if your network/ISP supports it, you can use a value like 16 ("minimize delay") to prioritize ettv link packets over others on the network.
ettv_sv_iptos (default 0) same as ettv_tv_iptos, but affects packets for normal ET clients.