Alternate media
ETPro has implemented a slight freedom for map developers. You can specify alternate media to use without overwriting the default file.
For example, you can change the campaign map that normally shows during a load, which has the pins placed on them. To use a custom image, it must be a power of two and square. The default image is a TGA at 1024x1024 pixels, though mappers may want to use a smaller image when keeping in mind their PK3 size.
To use a different loading image, you have to create a shader with a texture name of "etpro/{mapname}/gfx/loading/camp_map" where {mapname} is the file name of your map. (NOT the extended name).
Example shader for a custom campaign map:
etpro/mapname/gfx/loading/camp_map { nomipmaps nocompress { clampmap gfx/loading/mapname_camp_map.tga blendfunc blend alphaGen vertex } }
The pin images work in a similar way. The pins are what are shown in campaign mode when someone is loading a level. If the Axis have won one of the previous levels, it shows the pin_axis graphic, and if the Allied team has won the previous level, then the pin_allied gets loaded.
etpro/mapname/gfx/loading/pin_axis { nomipmaps nopicmip nocompress { clampmap gfx/loading/pin_axis_mapname.tga blendfunc blend alphaGen vertex } } etpro/mapname/gfx/loading/pin_allied { nomipmaps nopicmip nocompress { clampmap gfx/loading/pin_allied_mapname.tga blendfunc blend alphaGen vertex } }
Example custom load images
GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program
GTK/SD Radiant - Standard level editing tool for Q3E-based games.
Originally posted in the ETPro forums by WeblionX.