ETPro Menu Config
This is an exact copy of what was posted in the etpro documentation forums, as there are now more options/changes in the menu, it will need updating.
Configuration Menu
Clients can now easily configure important settings through an ingame ET-Pro menu. This can be found under the 'Esc' key (togglemenu key bind)/etpro or on your main start up menu under etpro if your game target line has +set fs_game etpro.
Small Popups
Use smaller (about half-height) popup icons
Number of Pupops: Controls the maximum number of popup messages displayed on the HUD at once
Popup Delay : Defines the rate in milliseconds that popups will be delayed
Popup stay time: Defines the time in milliseconds that popups will stay before fading
Popup fade time: Defines the time in milliseconds that popups take to fade out
Text Color Filter: Enter the color letters that you wish to be filtered to white
Muzzle-Flash: Controls whether the first-person muzzleflash is drawn
Gibs: Change whether gibbed body parts are shown
Bullet Tracers: Controls whether bullet tracers are drawn
Log Banners: Controls whether banner messages are always logged to the console
Anti-Lag: Controls whether your shots are lag-compensated by the server
L4 Soldier SMG Weapon Bank: put SMG on weaponbank 2 or weaponbank 3 (if 3: toggle with heavyweapon)
Hit sounds: Controls whether a sound is played when successfully shooting another player
Chat sounds: Enables an audio notification whenever a player sends a text message
Shove sounds: Allows players to enable or disable shove sounds
Goat sound: Enables the goat sound for knife kills
Announcer: Enables the announcer (e.g. the 'Fight!' sound)
Predefined Demo Keys
This enables or disables the predefined demo keys. If enabled then you see this menu in the demo playback.
Open MultiView: Opens multiview
Reset Max Speed: Resets the maximum speed on the speedometer
Class Selection Menu: Opens the quick class selection menu
Team Selection Menu: Opens the quick team selection menu
Trickjump Line Menu: Opens the trickjump line menu
Trickjump Ghost Menu: Opens the trickjump ghost menu