Lua Mod API
ETPro now supports server-side mods via the Lua scripting language. For more information about Lua, visit the Reference manual, the online edition of the book Programming in Lua or the lua-users wiki. A list of text editors for coding LUA can be found here.
ETPro has an embedded Lua 5.0.2 interpreter, and if present will load user-defined scripts from the ETPro directory. It also provides an "et" library of function calls for Lua that allow access to the server engine, and provides callbacks so a server side mod may trigger on specific server events.
The following standard Lua libraries are initialized by default and available to ETPro Lua scripts: basic, table, i/o, os (available features vary depending on your OS), string, math.
A list of ETPro mods can be found here.
A tutorial about ETPro Lua scripting can be found here.
API requests can be discussed at the Lua Mod API talk page.
[hide]client commands
- lists all currently loaded lua modules.
- lua mods cannot override this client command.
server commands
- lists all currently loaded lua modules.
- (default "", disabled)
- space separated list of lua modules for ETPro to load. modules will be run in the order listed.
- (default "", disabled)
- if set, only lua modules with the matching sha1 signatures listed in this cvar will be allowed to load.
- changing either cvar will cause all currently loaded modules to :quit and be unloaded until the next map_restart.
et library calls
et.RegisterModname( modname )
- Registers a descriptive string modname for this mod.
vmnumber = et.FindSelf()
- Returns a number indicating the VM slot the current mod is loaded into.
modname, signature = et.FindMod( vmnumber )
- Returns the modname and sha1 signature for the mod loaded in the VM slot vmnumber. Returns nil, nil if the VM slot is invalid.
success = et.IPCSend( vmnumber, message )
- Sends the string message to the mod in the VM slot indicated by vmnumber. The mod receiving message must have an et_IPCReceive() callback. If the message is successfully sent, success will be 1. On failure it will be 0. See the Lua IPC page for a simple example.
et.G_Print( text )
- Prints the string text to the server console.
et.G_LogPrint( text )
- Prints the string text to the server console and writes it to the server log.
argument handling
These functions are to be used within the command callback functions.
args = et.ConcatArgs( index )
- Returns all arguments beginning from index concatenated into a single string args
argcount = et.trap_Argc()
- Returns a number indicating the number of command line arguments in the command buffer.
arg = et.trap_Argv( argnum )
- Returns the contents of the command line argument argnum.
cvarvalue = et.trap_Cvar_Get( cvarname )
- Returns the value of the cvar cvarname as a string. If there is no cvar named cvarname, returns a zero length string.
et.trap_Cvar_Set( cvarname, cvarvalue )
- Sets the cvar cvarname to cvarvalue
configstringvalue = et.trap_GetConfigstring( index )
- Returns the string configstringvalue containing the contents of the configstring index
et.trap_SetConfigstring( index, configstringvalue )
- Sets the configstring index to the string configstringvalue
et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( when, command )
- Sends the command command to the server console, to be executed when (see et.EXEC_* constants)
et.trap_DropClient( clientnum, reason, ban_time )
- Disconnects clientnum from the server, with descriptive string reason reported to clients. ban_time is the time in seconds to ban the client from the server. ban_time is optional and may be entirely omitted, in which case the ban time defaults to the cvar b_defaultbantime
et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientnum, command )
- Sends the command command to the client clientnum. If clientnum is -1, the command is broadcast to all connected clients.
et.G_Say( clientNum, mode, text )
- Sends a chat command on behalf of client clientNum with the mode mode (see et.SAY_* constants) and chat text text.
et.ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum )
- Loads the new Userinfo of clientNum and stores it in the configstring and client variables
userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientnum )
- Returns the contents of the Userinfo string for the client clientnum
et.trap_SetUserinfo( clientnum, userinfo )
- Sets the Userinfo string for the client clientnum to userinfo
string utility functions
infostring = et.Info_RemoveKey( infostring, key )
- Removes key key from infostring infostring and returns the modified infostring.
infostring = et.Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, key, value )
- Sets the key key in the infostring infostring to value and returns the modified infostring. If value is an empty string, key is removed from the string.
keyvalue = et.Info_ValueForKey( infostring, key )
- Returns the value of the key key in the infostring infostring. If key is not present in the string, an empty string is returned.
cleanstring = et.Q_CleanStr( string )
- Returns string stripped of all color codes
ET filesystem
fd, len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, mode )
- Attempts to open the file filename with the access mode mode (see et.FS_ constants). Returns the filedescriptor fd and file length len. On error, len returns -1.
filedata = et.trap_FS_Read( fd, count )
- Reads count bytes from filedescriptor fd.
count = et.trap_FS_Write( filedata, count, fd )
- Attempts to write count bytes of filedata to filedescriptor fd. Returns number of bytes successfully written.
et.trap_FS_Rename( oldname, newname )
- Renames file oldname to newname.
et.trap_FS_FCloseFile( fd )
- Closes filedescriptor fd
soundindex = et.G_SoundIndex( filename )
- Returns an index to the soundfile indicated by filename
modelindex = et.G_ModelIndex( filename )
- Returns an index to the model indicated by filename
et.G_globalSound( sound )
- Plays the global sound indicated by the filename sound.
et.G_Sound( entnum, soundindex )
- Plays the sound soundindex at the location of entity entnum
milliseconds = et.trap_Milliseconds()
- Returns a number indicating the current server time in milliseconds.
et.G_Damage( target, inflictor, attacker, damage, dflags, mod )
- Does damage amount of damage on target inflicted by inflictor and cased by attacker
- target, inflictor, attacker are entity numbers
- dflags is a bitflag number to decide how the damage is inflickted, see dflags flaglist
- mod is a number from 0 up to 64 o set the type of damage, see mod list
entnum = et.G_Spawn()
- Spawns a new entity and returns the new entity number.
entnum = et.G_TempEntity( origin, event )
- Spawns a new TempEntity of event type event and places it at origin in the world.
et.G_FreeEntity( entnum )
- Frees the entity entnum
spawnval = et.G_GetSpawnVar( entnum, key )
- Returns the value of spawnvar key for entity entnum
et.G_SetSpawnVar( entnum, key, value )
- Sets the spawnvar key to value for entity entnum
integer entnum = et.G_SpawnGEntityFromSpawnVars( string spawnvar, string spawnvalue, ... )
- This function can only be called inside the et_InitGame callback
et.trap_LinkEntity( entnum )
- Links the entity entnum
et.trap_UnlinkEntity( entnum )
- Unlinks the entity entnum
(variable) = et.gentity_get ( entnum, Fieldname ,arrayindex )
- Gets the value of Fieldname from entity entnum out of the g_entity struct. For NULL entities or clients, nil is returned.
- arrayindex is used to specify which element of an array entity field to get. It is required when accessing array type fields. Entity field array indexes start at 0.
et.gentity_set( entnum, Fieldname, arrayindex, (value) )
- Sets the value of Fieldname from entity entnum in the g_entity struct to (value)
- arrayindex is used to specify which element of an array entity field to set.
et.G_AddEvent( ent, event, eventparm' )
- Adds event event whit eventparameter eventparm' to entity ent
qagame execution
et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart )
- Called when qagame initializes. levelTime is the current level time in milliseconds. randomSeed is a number that can be used to seed random number generators. restart indicates if et_InitGame() is being called due to a map restart (1) or not (0).
et_ShutdownGame( restart )
- Called when qagame shuts down. restart indicates if the shutdown is being called due to a map_restart (1) or not (0).
et_RunFrame( levelTime )
- Called when qagame runs a server frame. levelTime is the current level time in milliseconds.
- Called when ETPro unloads the mod. The mod should close all open filedescriptors and perform all cleanup.
client management
rejectreason = et_ClientConnect( clientNum, firstTime, isBot )
- Called when a client attempts to connect to the server. clientNum is the client slot id, firstTime indicates if this is a new connection (1) or a reconnection (0). isBot indicates if the client is a bot (1) or not (0). If the mod accepts the connection, it should return nil. Otherwise, the mod should return a string describing the reason the client connection was rejected.
et_ClientDisconnect( clientNum )
- Called when a client disconnects. clientNum is the client slot id.
et_ClientBegin( clientNum )
- Called when a client begins (becomes active, and enters the gameworld). clientNum is the client slot id.
et_ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum )
- Called when a client's Userinfo string has changed. clientNum is the client slot id.
- note: In ETPro 3.2.6 and below, this only gets called when the players CS_PLAYERS config string changes, rather than every time the userinfo changes. This only happens for a subset of userinfo fields.
et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived )
- Called when a client is spawned. clientNum is the client slot id. revived is 1 if the client was spawned by being revived.
intercepted = et_ClientCommand( clientNum, command )
- Called when a command is received from a client. clientNum is the client slot id. command is the command. The mod should return 1 if the command was intercepted by the mod, and 0 if the command was ignored by the mod and should be passed through to the server (and other mods in the chain).
- The actual command can be accessed through the argument handling functions, as seen in the ETPro:Lua Sample Code.
intercepted = et_ConsoleCommand()
- Called when a command is entered on the server console. The mod should return 1 if the command was intercepted by the mod, and 0 if the command was ignored by the mod and should be passed through to the server (and other mods in the chain).
- The actual command can be accessed through the argument handling functions, as seen in the ETPro:Lua Sample Code.
et_UpgradeSkill( cno, skill )
- Called when client on slot cno gets an upgrade on skill skill. Return -1 to override (abort) the qagame function, anything else to "passthrough". Callback may modify skills (or do anything else it wants) during passthrough.
et_SetPlayerSkill( cno, skill )
- Called when clients (on slot cno) skill level skill is set. Return -1 to override (abort) the qagame function, anything else to "passthrough". Callback may modify skills (or do anything else it wants) during passthrough.
et_IPCReceive( vmnumber, message )
- Called when another mod sends an et.IPCSend() message to this mod. vmnumber is the VM slot number of the sender, and message is the message.
et_Print( text )
- Called whenever the server or qagame prints a string to the console.
- WARNING! text may contain a player name + their chat message. This makes it very easy to spoof. DO NOT TRUST STRINGS OBTAINED IN THIS WAY
et_Obituary( victim, killer, meansOfDeath )
- Called whenever a player is killed.
predefined constants
- set to WIN32 or UNIX depending on the host architecture qagame is running on.
- set to fs_homepath/fs_game/?.lua in order to ease use of the require function.
If a config is loaded, all modules are shutdown and reloaded. If a certified config is loaded, all modules are shutdown and reloaded, and additionally the following functions are disabled: require(), loadfile(), loadlib(), loadstring(), dofile()
Like qagame, lua modules are unloaded and reloaded on map_restart and map changes. This means that all global variables and other information is lost. Mods may choose to store persistent data in cvars or external files.
Q: OMG I hate the libary prefix et.* on everything!!11!1oneone
A: table.foreach(et, function (func, value) _G[func] = value; end)
Q: How do a reload my lua file without restarting the whole server?
A: Use map_restart, reset_match or simply change the map.
Q: Can I see some sample code?
A: Lua sample code
Q: Is there a list of ETPro Lua mods?
A: Yes, here.
Q: OMG my mod doesn't work!
A: Make sure you added your mod's filename to the lua_modules cvar (e.g. set lua_modules mymod.lua).
Q: OMG why has et_ClientSay been removed?
A: That's a secret but, to keep the function as it was, just add the following code to your et_ClientCommand() function
-- et_ClientSay had to be removed in order to intercept all commands -- so here's a wrapper for that arg0 = et.trap_Argv(0) -- get the main command if arg0 == "say" then return et_ClientSay( clientNum, et.SAY_ALL, et.ConcatArgs(1)) elseif arg0 == "say_team" then return et_ClientSay( clientNum, et.SAY_TEAM, et.ConcatArgs(1)) elseif arg0 == "say_buddy" then return et_ClientSay( clientNum, et.SAY_BUDDY, et.ConcatArgs(1)) elseif arg0 == "say_teamnl" then return et_ClientSay( clientNum, et.SAY_TEAMNL, et.ConcatArgs(1)) end -- et_ClientSay wrapper end