B placebo

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Magically Beginning

Strangley, When this cvar was found in the CVS tree for ETPro, there wasn't a name for the contributer next to it and to this day the ETPro devs don't know where it came from.


When using this cvar anything is possible, you will be given the sticky bullet syndrome and will be able to shoot people through the corner of walls when they run away.

Features include;

  • You will not be as easily damaged by explosions (as long as you aren't too close to the explosion)
  • Your team will win every game (as long as your team is better than your enemies)
  • When defusing dynamite, it won't matter how far into the 30 seconds it is, you will always be able to defuse it on time. (as long as you start defusing before 5 seconds is left on the clock)
  • You can now jump twice as far as normally (Only works if you have 333fps)
  • your grenades will hit the target with 100% damage (Depends if your grenade is actually close to the target)

Why keep it?

The cvar can't be removed as it has been hidden within the deepest of the ET source, so deep that evil the magically Rain cannot find it.

I Can't Find it

The cvar does not show up when you try and tab complete it within the console, you just have to insert it in your config and be rest assured that it works.