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:"'''complaint''' ''Number''"<br>
:"'''complaint''' ''Number''"<br>
:'''complaint''' will make the complain vote showup.<br>
:'''complaint''' will make the complain vote showup.<br>
:if ''Number'' == 1 the vote will show up.<br>
:if ''Number'' > 1 the vote will show up, in this case ''Number'' is the ClientNum of the Teamkilling player.<br>
:if ''Number'' == -1 the complain filled message shows up.<br>
:if ''Number'' == -1 the complain filled message shows up.<br>
:if ''Number'' == -2 the complain dismissed message shows up.
:if ''Number'' == -2 the complain dismissed message shows up.

Revision as of 20:35, 24 November 2005

et.trap_SendServerCommand() has the following commands:



"print \"Message\n\""
print will print the Message in the clients console.

Center Print MoO

"cpm \"Message\n\""
cpm will print the Message in the clients anoucement area and console

Center Print

"cp \"Message\n\""
cp will print the Message in the center of the clients screen.

Scores Print

"sc \"Message\n\""
sc will print the Message in the clients console and write to the statsdump file.



"c ClienNum \"Message\""
c will print a global chat message Message on behalf of client ClienNum.

Team Chat

"tc ClienNum \"Message\" X-Location Y-Location Z-Location"
tc will print a team chat message Message on behalf of client ClienNum,
the X,Y,Z-Location's are optional parematers the represent the clients location,
if the X,Y,Z-Location's are left out then the message will be printed whitout an location.

Fireteam Chat

"bc ClienNum \"Message\" X-Location Y-Location Z-Location".
bc will print a fireteam chat message Message on behalf of client ClienNum,
the X,Y,Z-Location's parematers the represent the clients location.

Voice Chat

Global Voice Chat

"vchat 0 ClientNum 50 Vsay-String Vsay-Number \"Custom-Message\"".
vchat will global voice chat Vsay-String on behalf of client ClienNum.
Vsay-Number is normaly random but i can be stable using /vsay <Vsay-Number> <Vsay-String>,
Vsay-Number represend the vsay nummer of Vsay inside the .voice files.
Custom-Message is normaly \"\" (empty) else its the chat message that will be drawn .

Team Voice Chat

"vtchat 0 ClientNum 50 Vsay-String Vsay-Number Y-Location Z-Location \"Custom-Message\""
vchat will team voice chat Vsay-String on behalf of client ClienNum.
Vsay-Number is normaly random but i can be stable using /vsay <Vsay-Number> <Vsay-String>,
Vsay-Number represend the vsay nummer of Vsay inside the .voice files.
the X,Y,Z-Location's parematers the represent the clients location.
Custom-Message is normaly \"\" (empty) else its the chat message that will be drawn.

Fireteam Voice Chat

"vtchat 0 ClientNum 50 Fireteam-String Vsay-Number Y-Location Z-Location \"Custom-Message\""
vchat will team voice chat Vsay-String on behalf of client ClienNum.
Vsay-Number is normaly random but i can be stable using /vsay <Vsay-Number> <Fireteam-Vsay-String>,
Vsay-Number represend the vsay nummer of Vsay inside the .voice files.
the X,Y,Z-Location's parematers the represent the clients location.
Custom-Message is normaly \"\" (empty) else its the chat message that will be drawn.



"application Number"
application will show up the fireteam invation message's
if Number > -1 the "accept .. application to join your fireteam" shows up in this case Number is the ClientNum of applying client.
if Number == -1 the "your aplication has been submitted" shows up.
if Number == -2 the "your aplication fialed" shows up.
if Number == -3 the "your aplication has been approved" shows up.
if Number == -4 the "your aplication reply has been send" shows up.


"proposition Number Number2"
proposition will show up the fireteam proposition message's.
if Number > -1 the "accept .. proposition to invite .. to your fireteam" shows up, in this case Number is the ClientNum of proposed client and, Number2 is the ClientNum of proposing.
if Number == -1 the "your proposition has been submitted" shows up.
if Number == -2 the "your proposition was rejected" shows up.
if Number == -3 the "your proposition was accepted" shows up.
if Number == -4 the "your proposition reply has been send" shows up.

Number2 is an optional paramater only used when Number > -1.


"invitation Number"
invitation will show up the fireteam invation message's.
if Number > -1 the "accept .. invitation to join your fireteam" shows up in this case Number is the ClientNum of applying client.
if Number == -1 the "your invitation has been submitted" shows up.
if Number == -2 the "your invitation rejected" shows up.
if Number == -3 the "your invitation was accepted" shows up.
if Number == -4 the "your invitation reply has been send" shows up.



"complaint Number"
complaint will make the complain vote showup.
if Number > 1 the vote will show up, in this case Number is the ClientNum of the Teamkilling player.
if Number == -1 the complain filled message shows up.
if Number == -2 the complain dismissed message shows up.


"setspawnpt number"
"setspawnpt sets the client game selected spawnpoint to number number.