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This category contains all articles with references to server-side cvars.
This category contains all articles with references to server-side cvars.
== List of server cvars (a little more complete) ==
Also see [[Server cvar list]].
<pitatable columns=3 headlines="Cvar;Default;Description" aligns="left;center;left">
b_anticheat;1;See article (IAC);
b_antiwarp;1;See article (AntiWarp);
b_banners;0;See article (Banners);
b_banner<n>;"";See article (Banners);
b_bannerlocation;128;See article (Banners);
b_bannertime;0;See article (Banners);
b_brokenlogtimestamps;0;Use the broken timestamp format for the server logfiles.  This option exists for reverse compatibility. (valid values: 0, 1);
b_chargetransfer;1;0 = Disallow use of mines to transfer charge between players or 'store charge'. 1 = Default etmain behavior, allow charge transfer and storage.;
b_cheatkicktime;-1;Defines the time in minutes that cheaters will be banned for when kicked by etpro's anti-cheat system. -1 = Disabled;
b_cheatlog;"";Defines the name of a separate log for the anti-cheat system when set to an empty string, the anti-cheat system uses the main system log file;
b_cursefilter;;See article (Cursefilter);
b_cursefilteraction;;See article (Cursefilter);
b_defaultbantime;300;Time in seconds for bans without explicitly defined ban time.;
b_defaultskills;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_distancefalloff; 1; 0 = Disable distance damage falloff for bullet weapons. 1 = Enable distance damage falloff for bullet weapons.;
b_emptyscript;"";Name of a script to execute when the last player leaves the server.;
b_fixedphysics;;See Article (Physics cvars);
b_fixedphysicsfps;;See Article (Physics cvars);
b_flushitems; 0;Enables/disables ground-oriented items (medpacks, ammopacks).;
b_headshot;0;See article;
b_helmetprotection; 1;Allows server to enable/disable helmet damage reduction.;
b_intermissiontime;60;The maximum number of seconds the debriefing/intermission screen will be active before switching to the next map.;
b_levels_battlesense;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_levels_engineer;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_levels_medic;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_levels_fieldops;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_levels_lightweapons;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_levels_soldier;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_levels_covertops;"";See Article (XP Settings);
b_logrealtimestamps;1;Log the time of day (as hh:mm.ss) instead of the amount of time the server has been on the current map. (valid values: 0, 1);
b_mapconfigdirectory;"";Define the directory to look for default map configs. When a new map loads, the server looks for mapdefault_mapname.cfg and executes it if found. If not found, it looks for mapdefault.cfg. (this setting will be ignored when a certified configuration is loaded);
b_match_warmupjoin;0;Controls whether or not players are allowed to join a team during the warmup countdown. (valid values: 0, 1);
b_maxmortarpitch; 0;Allows server to limit effective range of ground slope angles for mortar deployment. If set to eg 20, then a mortar deployed on a slope greater than 20 degrees (eg 30 or 40) would behave as if it were deployed on a slope of 20 degrees.;
b_moverscale;1;Controls how fast most movers (i.e. vehicles) will move compared to their normal speed. Extremely high values will cause erratic behavior.;
b_multiview;0;Enable OSP's multiview.  multiview allows spectators to view multiple players at the same time, but clients who are using multiview consume slightly more bandwidth and CPU time than normal spectators, so this feature can be disabled. (valid values: 0, 1);
b_noskillupgrades;0;See Article (XP Settings);
b_privatemessages;2;The minimum number of characters needed for the name match when sending a private message. Setting to 0 will disable private messaging. (valid values: 0-36);
b_riflegrenades;1;Enables/disables rifle grenades for engineers carrying the Garand or K43. (valid values: 0, 1);
b_semiAdminLevels;0;Defines the number of semiadmin levels to use. The default value of 0 disables semiadmin functionality.;
b_semiAdminPass<n>;;Defines the password for semiadmin level <n>, where <n> is a number from 1 to b_semiAdminLevels.  For example: set b_semiAdminPass1 "topsecret";
b_semiAdminCmds<n>;;Defines the commands that semiadmin level <n> is allowed to perform, where <n> is a number from 1 to b_semiAdminLevels. For example: set b_semiAdminCmds1 "kick clientkick say";
b_shove;80;Defines the amount of knockback inflicted upon someone that a player shoves.  Set to 0 to disable shoving.;
b_shove_noz;1;Disables Z-axis (vertical) shoving to prevent players from shoving others over walls;
b_showClientCommands;0;Log every command (e.g. say, vsay, team) that a client performs to the server log and console. (valid values: 0, 1);
b_shrug; 0;0 = Disable /shrug. 1 = Enable /shrug.;
b_spectatornames;1;Allows free floating spectators to see player names. 0: nobody but shoutcastersc an see names in spectator mode 1: referees/semiadmins/shoutcasters can see names 2: anybody can see names. (valid values: 0-2);
b_statsaver;1;See Article (XP Settings);
b_stickycharge;1;If set to 1, class chargebars will be 'sticky' across respawns - that is, class chargebars will only recharge while that class is being played and the player is alive unless they die at the hands of an enemy player. If set to 2, enemy players don't reset the charge, either.;
b_sv_hitsounds; 1;0 = Server globally disables hitsounds. 1 = Server allows clients to use hitsounds.;
b_watermark;"";Enables a server watermark on the client's display. See the admin guide for full details.  This should be the name of the image without the extension, or blank to disable; for example: set b_watermark "ourclan/logo";
b_watermarkFadeAfter;-1;Controls how many seconds the watermark remains on the player's display after each map change before fading away.  Setting this to -1 means that the watermark will never fade away, although clients can still disable the watermark display.;
b_watermarkFadeTime;1.5;Controls how many seconds the watermark takes to fade away after displaying for b_watermarkFadeAfter seconds.  Setting this to 0 means that the watermark will instantly disappear rather than fading away.;
b_wolfrof; 0;0 = ET Standard SMG Rate of fire. 1 = RTCW Standard SMG Rate of fire.;
b_xpstopwatch;0;Controls whether or not XP is kept across both rounds of a stopwatch match. (valid values: 0, 1);
vote_allow_cointoss;1;Controls whether voting for a coin toss is allowed. (valid values: 0, 1);
vote_allow_config;"";Use a space delimited list of league configurations (.config files) available for voting and to referees, for example: vote_allow_config "leaguea leaguec".  A value of "*" means that all existing configs may be voted for.;
vote_allow_surrender;1;Enables/disables surrender callvoting. (valid values: 0, 1);

Latest revision as of 02:24, 5 July 2006

This category contains all articles with references to server-side cvars. Also see Server cvar list.

Pages in category "ETPro:Server Cvars"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.